Concierge Medicine Specialist

What is Concierge Medicine?

When you choose concierge care, you pay a set fee to receive specific services. Dr. Ed offers different plans, so the level of services varies depending on the one you choose. No matter which plan you choose, you can count on the convenience of:

  • No answering service. Your questions go straight to the doctor with almost immediate answers.
  • Avoid office visits. When you send a text, pictures, or a video, Dr. Ed can answer your questions and provide treatment.
  • Housecalls. If your child needs medical care on the weekend or after office hours, the doctor makes housecalls.

With concierge medicine, you don’t need to wonder and worry about what to do with a sick child because you have direct access to the doctor any time you need it.

Concierge Medicine

Why Should Parents Consider Concierge Medicine?

Life with children is unpredictable, which is a challenge for all parents, but is especially anxiety-producing for first-time parents. All parents inevitably face issues such as a newborn who is unusually cranky and won’t eat or a toddler with a fever or a rash.

When those moments arise, parents face a lot of decisions. Do you watch and wait or use over-the-counter medications? Is the problem severe enough to call the doctor at midnight?

Concierge medicine eliminates all those questions and concerns. When you enroll in concierge medicine at Southern California Integrative Wellness Center, you have open access to Dr. Ed, and your questions are answered quickly.

What Other Benefits do you Gain With Concierge Medicine?

Although Dr. Ed always provides in-depth and individualized care, participating in concierge medicine takes that concept to a higher level. With many concierge plans, your fee entitles you to longer office visits, which provides more time to talk with the doctor and be sure you understand everything you need to know about helping your child.

Concierge medicine also makes your child’s health care more affordable, as it guarantees a specific level of services for a set fee. In many cases, these services aren’t covered by health insurance, so you can get the unlimited health care your child needs for an affordable fee.

Concierge plans are personalized so that every family can choose their price point and services. If you’d like to learn more, schedule an interview by calling Southern California Integrative Wellness Center.

COVID Made Less Scary by Dr Ed – A Kind Word from Our Patient

As anyone could be living in these times, my fears went into overdrive when I tested positive for COVID-19. At the time I was staying with my elderly mother (74), my father 65, and my three kids, one of them being immune compromised. As a family we immediately started on the protocol of supplements Dr. Ed had sent us in case of a COVID exposure, but on that first day of fever I was feeling very sick and unable to care for myself, so my mother took care of me.

I bounced back relatively easily the following day, my children remained symptom free but a few days later my mother fell ill. She upped her dosages and stayed in bed. She had two bad days. On her second bad day, I reached out again to Dr Ed, who sent me the name of the IV therapist he is using to help combat COVID.

Within two hours of me texting the iv therapist he was at my moms house giving an iv to both my mom and dad. The following day, my mom woke up, her fever had broken, and she had the life back in her voice. My dad managed to stay well. I mean it when I say Thank God for Dr. Ed and his staff. He kept me calm, he gave me and my family the tools we needed, and helped us breeze through recovery!